
LEP Classification of Occupations

The LEP Classification of Occupations catalogues professional and continuing training for the Nursing, Midwives and Social Services professions in Switzerland, Austria and Germany. It can be integrated into the electronic patient record and personnel deployment planning (PDP) systems to support management in their efforts to schedule and deploy these professionals in a resource-oriented manner that reflects their specific skills. It supports data analysis options to help organisations improve their resource-oriented approaches to personnel deployment.

The LEP Classification of Occupations has a monohierarchical structure consisting of a master catalogue with four main groups: Nursing, Midwives, Social Services and “Other professions”.

In addition to the master catalogue, there are also three sub-catalogues with country-specific structures for Switzerland, Austria and Germany, as shown for an example from the nursing profession (Fig.1). The LEP Classification of Occupations will be presented at the Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE 2023) in Göteborg.

As a next step, we hope to implement the LEP Classification of Occupations in a software application (electronic patient record, personnel deployment system). As part of this process, we wish to test how the classification can be used in practice and how it can support statistical analyses. To achieve this, we are looking for practice partners for a shared implementation project.

If you are interested in the LEP Classification of Occupations and have questions about content or methodology, please contact Renate Ranegger.



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